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Milan Abinader
Millan AbiNader, LMSW, PhD
Assistant Professor
Gina Amoroso-Latta
Gina Amoroso-Latta, MSEd
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Sara S. Bachman, Dean of School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania
Sara S. Bachman, PhD
Headshot of Dr. Jerri Bourjolly
Joretha N. Bourjolly, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor/Clinician Educator
Associate Dean for Inclusion
Headshot of Dr. Castro Baker
Amy Beth Castro, PhD
Associate Professor
George Ciccariello-Maher
George Ciccariello-Maher, PhD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Rosemary Clark-Parsons, PhD
Rosemary Clark-Parsons, PhD
Lecturer, NPL Program
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Erin Coltrera in front of mural
Erin Coltrera, LSW, MSW, MSSP
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Dennis Culhane
Dennis P. Culhane, PhD
Dana and Andrew Stone Chair in Social Policy
Co-Principal Investigator, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Jim Davy
Jim Davy, JD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Elizabeth Deyoung
Elizabeth DeYoung, PhD
Research Scientist, Center for Guaranteed Income Research
Candice Dias
Candice Dias, PhD
Project Director & Research Scientist, Philadelphia Economic Equity Project
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Thomas Duffin Headshot
Tom Duffin, PhD, MS, MLSP
Lecturer, MSW Program
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Lecturer, NPL Program
Toks Fashola
Olatokunbo (Toks) Fashola, PhD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Kalen Flynn
Kalen Flynn, PhD, MSW, MSSP
Research Scientist
Michael Froehlich
Michael Froehlich, JD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Cherese Godwin
Cherése Godwin, MSW, PhD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Beth Hallowell
Beth Hallowell, PhD
Lecturer, MSSP Program
Richard Hartwell
Richard Harris Hartwell, Ed.D
Part-Time Lecturer, MSSP Program
Jack Hasler
Jack Hasler, PhD
Lecturer, MSSP Program