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Desmond Patton stands beside Locust Walk, arms folded

SP2’s Dr. Desmond Patton to deliver keynote at SSWR conference with 40+ SP2-led sessions

Collaboration as innovation will be the theme of an address by Keynote Speaker Dr. Desmond Upton Patton of Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2025 Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington.


At a classroom table, Desmond Patton speaks to a student

Journey to Joy

In a joint class within SP2 and the Annenberg School for Communication, Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor Desmond Upton Patton invites students to seek fulfillment in less tangible forms and dream big in Journey to Joy: Designing a Happier Life.


Headshots of Dr. H. Daniel Heist, Professor Ram Cnaan, and Dr. Megan M. Farwell appear against a dark blue background

Paper on philanthropic strategies wins editors’ prize for three SP2-affiliated authors

The first author of the paper is Dr. H. Daniel Heist, a graduate of SP2’s PhD in Social Welfare Program. He is joined by SP2 Professor Ram Cnaan and fellow SP2 PhD graduate Dr. Megan M. Farwell.