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Milan Abinader
Millan AbiNader, LMSW, PhD
Assistant Professor
Sara S. Bachman, Dean of School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania
Sara S. Bachman, PhD
Headshot of Dr. Jerri Bourjolly
Joretha N. Bourjolly, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor/Clinician Educator
Associate Dean for Inclusion
Tamara Cadet
Tamara J. Cadet, PhD, LICSW, MPH
Associate Professor
Co-Director, PhD in Social Welfare Program
Associate Professor, Penn Dental Medicine
Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute
Senior Fellow, Center for Public Health
Associate Director, Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) & Director, Program in Community Engagement Innovation, PC3I
Headshot of Dr. Castro Baker
Amy Beth Castro, PhD
Associate Professor
Ram Cnaan
Ram Cnaan, MSW, PhD
Program Director, Program for Religion and Social Policy Research
Headshot of Dr. Jacqueline Corcoran
Jacqueline Corcoran, PhD
Director, Doctorate in Clinical Social Work Program
Dennis Culhane
Dennis P. Culhane, PhD
Dana and Andrew Stone Chair in Social Policy
Co-Principal Investigator, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Meredith Doherty
Meredith Doherty, PhD, LCSW
Assistant Professor
Dr. Malitta Engstrom
Malitta Engstrom, PhD, LCSW
Associate Professor
Director, Master of Social Work Program
Faculty Fellow, Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse
Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America
Peter Frumkin, PhD
Mindy and Andrew Heyer Chair in Social Policy
Faculty Director, Center for Social Impact Strategy
Headshot of Dr. Toorjo Ghose
Toorjo Ghose, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor
Headshot of Johanna Greeson
Johanna K.P. Greeson, PhD, MSS, MLSP
Associate Professor
Managing Faculty Director, The Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice & Research
Director, Child Well-Being & Child Welfare Specialization (CW2)
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education (Secondary Appointment)
Headshot of Dr. Chao Guo
Chao Guo, PhD
Professor of Nonprofit Management
Faculty Director, MS in Nonprofit Leadership Program
Editor-in-Chief, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Femida Handy
Femida Handy, PhD
Senior Scholar, York University, Toronto, Canada
Senior Affiliate, Fox Leadership International
Amy Hillier
Amy Hillier, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Social Policy & Practice
Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, PennDesign
Penn Sp2 Headshots March 2024
ChiaKo Hung, MA, MPA, PhD
Assistant Professor
Demarcus A. Jenkins
DeMarcus A. Jenkins, PhD
Assistant Professor
Calvin Bland Faculty Fellow
Headshot of Dr. Ioana Marinescu
Ioana E. Marinescu, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, MS in Social Policy Program
Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research
Yoosun Park
Yoosun Park, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor
Co-Director, PhD in Social Welfare Program