Johanna K.P. Greeson, PhD, MSS, MLSP
Research Interests
The transition to adulthood among youth who age out of foster care
Natural mentoring and other supportive adult relationships for youth who age out of foster care
Child traumatic stress
Applied community-based intervention research and translation of research to practice
Resiliency, risk, and protective factors
Neurobiological mechanisms of resiliency-focused interventions
Life course theory
Domestic minor sex trafficking
Dr. Greeson is fervently dedicated to transforming the child welfare system, leveraging research to forge brighter futures for youth aging out of foster care, and harnessing the profound impact of connections with caring adults for all vulnerable youth. Her research agenda, driven by both evidence and empathy, focuses on resilience and the strengths that empower foster youth to not merely survive but thrive.
Dr. Greeson’s scholarly contributions encompass a wide array of topics, including natural mentoring, evidence-based practices for older youth in foster care such as independent living programs, residential group care, and intensive in-home therapy. Her work also addresses low-income homeownership, child and adolescent traumatic stress, domestic minor sex trafficking, international family strengthening, cash transfer interventions, and child welfare reform. Her publications have been cited nearly 4,000 times in peer-reviewed scientific literature.
During her doctoral studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Greeson developed an affinity for research methods, advanced statistical modeling, and collaborative multidisciplinary research. Her projects have integrated the fields of social work, sociology, public health, advanced statistics, economics, and community development, and she continues to work across these disciplines today.
Notably, during her PhD at UNC Chapel Hill, Dr. Greeson developed a theory- and research-informed intervention for older youth in foster care, Caring Adults ‘R’ Everywhere (C.A.R.E.), aimed at addressing the aging out crisis. Central to this intervention is the cultivation of resilience through supportive adult relationships for at-risk youth. In 2015, she completed a pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial of C.A.R.E., funded by the Children’s Bureau and in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Human Services. Dr. Greeson is now poised to further refine and test this natural mentoring intervention, employing rigorous research designs to evaluate its effectiveness and disseminate C.A.R.E. to jurisdictions interested in implementing a relationship-focused, trauma-informed mentoring program for youth aging out of care.
In addition to examining psychosocial and behavioral outcomes, Dr. Greeson is deeply interested in exploring how social interventions like C.A.R.E. might alter underlying brain structures and mechanisms, as measured by EEG and fMRI. She is particularly intrigued by the concept of neural plasticity as a potential mediator of successful social interventions. Dr. Greeson is eager to collaborate with developmental neuroscientists and answer the call by Cicchetti & Gunnar (2008) to conduct interventions that assess both behavioral changes and the modifiability of neurobiological structures, functions, and organizations.
Dr. Greeson also serves as the Managing Faculty Director of the Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice, & Research, the university’s sole interdisciplinary research center dedicated to promoting child and family well-being. In this role, she supervises the Nancy Glickenhaus Fellowship in Child Welfare for advanced MSW students. She also directs the Child Wellbeing & Child Welfare specialization for advanced year MSW students.
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Children, Women, Family Well-BeingRelated Links
C.A.R.E Overview
A Natural Mentoring Intervention for Older Youth in Foster Care
Publications & Media
Treatment Manual
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Greeson, J.K.P. (2019). Caring Adults ‘R’ Everywhere (C.A.R.E.): A Natural Mentoring Intervention for Older Youth in Foster Care. Durham, NC: I Am My Life Publishing.
Dr. Greeson’s treatment manual C.A.R.E.: A Natural Mentoring Intervention for Older Youth in Foster Care (2019) is now available for order on Amazon.com. This comprehensive, empirically-supported guide provides practical advice on how to train and effectively engage natural mentors, as well as how to help cultivate nurturing relationships between youth in care and their natural mentors. C.A.R.E. leverages youth’s pre-existing social networks to identify adults who can be natural mentors. Youth are empowered in this process because C.A.R.E. prioritizes the youth’s preference for which adults will take on the role of natural mentor. The treatment manual includes how to assess youth’s permanent connections; guidelines for identifying, screening, and conducting background checks of potential mentors; trauma-informed training for natural mentors; program activities designed to support the development of growth-fostering relationships between the youth and their mentors, and more.
Invited Book Chapters
Greeson, J.K.P. & Thompson, A.E. (2019). Caring Adults ‘R’ Everywhere (C.A.R.E.)©: Leveraging the power of relationships to change the lives of foster youth. In V. Mann-Feder & M. Goyette (Eds.) Leaving care & the transition to adulthood: International contributions to theory, research, & practice (pp. 279-296). New York: Oxford University Press.
Greeson, J.K.P. & Thompson, A.E. (2017). Foster care, then where? Why independent living is getting it all wrong. In J. Jackson, Jr. (Ed.), Social policy and social justice (pp. 65-73). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. http://www.penntopten.com/essays/struggling-alone-life-young-adults-aged-foster-care/
Greeson, J.K.P. & Thompson, A.E. (2015). Aging out of foster care in emerging adulthood. In J.J. Arnett (Ed.), Oxford handbook of emerging adulthood (pp. 559-577). New York: Oxford University Press.
Fairbank, J.A., Briggs, E.C., Carmody, K.A., Greeson, J.K.P., & Woods, B. (2014). Resilience & recovery in special populations: Children. In L.A. Zoellner & N.C. Feeny (Eds.), Facilitating resilience & recovery following traumatic events (pp. 91-112). New York: Guilford Press.
Policy Briefs
Gerrity, E., Briggs, E. C., Greeson, J.K.P., Layne, C. M., Fairbank, J., Knoverek, A., & Pynoos, R. S. (2011). Trauma Exposure, Psychosocial Functioning & Treatment Needs of Youth in Residential Care. Retrieved from
Gerrity, E., Greeson, J.K.P., Layne, C.M., Fairbank, J., Pynoos, R.S., & Briggs, E.C. (2011). Complex Trauma and Mental Health of Children Placed in Foster Care: Highlights from the NCCTS Core Data Set. Retrieved from
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Greeson, J.K.P., Garcia, A.R., *Tan, F., *Chacon, A., & *Ortiz, A.J. (in press). Interventions for youth aging out of foster care: A state of the science review. Children and Youth Services Review.
Greeson, J.K.P., Treglia, D., Morones, S., Hopkins, M., & Mikell, D. (2020). Youth Matters: Philly (YMP): Development, usability, usefulness, & accessibility of a mobile web-based app for homeless and unstably housed youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 108. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104586
Sulimani-Aidan, Y., Melkman, E., & Greeson, J.K.P. (2020). The contribution of mentoring to the life skills of youth leaving care in Israel. Child & Family Social Work, 25, 345-354. DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12690
Greeson, J.K.P., Treglia, D., Wolfe, D.S., Wasch, S., & Gelles, R.J. (in press). Child welfare characteristics in a sample of youth involved in commercial sex: An exploratory study. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Greeson, J.K.P., Treglia, D., Wolfe, D.S., & Wasch, S. (2019). Prevalence & correlates of sex trafficking among homeless & runaway youth presenting for shelter services. Social Work Research, 43(2), 91-99.
Greeson, J.K.P., An, S., Xue, J., Thompson, A.E., & Guo, C. (2018). Tweeting social justice: How social work faculty use Twitter. British Journal of Social Work, 48, 2038-2057.
Thompson, A.E. & Greeson, J.K.P. (2017). Prosocial activities & natural mentoring among youth at risk of aging out of foster care. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 8(3), 421-440.
Garcia, A.R., Gupta, M., Greeson, J.K.P., DeNard, C., & Thompson, A.E. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences among a child welfare sample: Results from the National Study of Child & Adolescent Wellbeing. Child Abuse & Neglect, 70,292-302.
Greeson, J.K.P. & Thompson, A.E. (2017). Development, feasibility, and piloting of a novel natural mentoring intervention for older youth in foster care. Journal of Social Service Research, 43(2), 205-222.
Greeson, J.K.P., Weiler, L., Thompson, A.E., & Taussig, H.N. (2016). A first look at natural mentoring among preadolescent foster youth. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(5), 586-601.
Thompson, A.E., Greeson, J.K.P., & Brunsink, A.M. (2016). Natural mentoring among older youth aging out of foster care: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review, 61, 40-50.
Garcia, A.R., Greeson, J.K.P., Kim, M., Thompson, A.E., & DeNard, C. (2015). From placement to prison revisited: Do mental health services disrupt the delinquency pipeline among Latino, African American and Caucasian youth in the child welfare system? Journal of Adolescence, 45, 263-273.
Greeson, J.K.P., Garcia, A.R., Kim, M., & Courtney, M.E. (2015). Foster youth & social support: The first RCT of independent living services. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(3), 349-357.
Greeson, J.K.P., Garcia, A.R., Kim, M., Thompson, A.E., & Courtney, M.E. (2015). Development & maintenance of social support among aged out foster youth who received independent living services: Results from the Multi-Site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs. Children and Youth Services Review, 53, 1-9.
Greeson, J.K.P., Thompson, A.E., Ali, S., & Stern Wenger, R. (2015). “It’s good to know that you got somebody that’s not going anywhere”: Attitudes & beliefs of older youth in foster care about child-welfare based natural mentoring. Children and Youth Services Review, 48, 140-149.
Greeson, J.K.P., Thompson, A.E., Evans-Chase, M., & Ali, S. (2015). Child welfare professionals’ attitudes and beliefs about child-welfare based natural mentoring for older youth in foster care. Journal of Social Service Research, 41, 93-112.
Layne, C.M., Greeson, J.K.P., Ostrowski, S.A., Kim, S., Reading, S., Vivrette, R.L., Briggs, E.C., Fairbank, J.A., & Pynoos, R.S. (2014). Cumulative trauma exposure and high risk behavior in adolescence: Findings from the NCTSN Core Data Set. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6(S1), S40-S49.
Greeson, J.K.P., Briggs, E.C., Layne, C.M., Belcher, H.M.E., Ostrowski, S.A., Kim, S., Lee, R.C., Vivrette, R., Pynoos, R.S., & Fairbank, J.A. (2014). Traumatic childhood experiences in the 21st century: Broadening & building on the ACE studies with data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(3), 536-556.
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Yeo, Y.H., Manturuk, K.R., Despard, M.R., Holub, K.A., Greeson, J.K.P., & Quercia, R. (2013). Social capital and homeownership in low-to-moderate-income neighborhoods. Social Work Research, 37(1), 37-53.
Briggs, E.C., Fairbank, J.A., Greeson, J.K.P., Layne, C.M., Steinberg, A.M., Amaya-Jackson, L.M., Ostrowski, S.A., Gerrity, E.T., Elmore, D.L., Belcher, H.M.E., & Pynoos, R.S. (2013). Links between child and adolescent trauma exposure and service use histories in a national clinic-referred sample. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 5(2), 101-109.
Greeson, J.K.P. (2013). Foster youth & the transition to adulthood: The theoretical & conceptual basis for natural mentoring. Emerging Adulthood, 1(1), 40-51. (Inaugural issue)
Briggs, E.C., Greeson, J.K.P., Layne, C.M., Fairbank, J.A., Knoverek, A.M., & Pynoos, R.S. (2012). Trauma exposure, psychosocial functioning, and treatment needs of youth in residential care: Preliminary findings from the NCTSN core data set. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 5(1), 1-15. (Selected as one of 10 Best Violence Research Articles of 2012 by the journal Psychology of Violence)
Greeson, J.K.P., Briggs, E.C., Kisiel, C., Ake, G.S., Layne, C.M., Ko, S.J., et al. (2011). Complex trauma and mental health in children and adolescents placed in foster care: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Child Welfare, 90(6), 91-108.
Barth, R.P., Greeson, J.K.P., Zlotnik, S.R., & Chintapalli, L.K. (2011). Evidence-based practice for youth in supervised out- of-home care: A framework for development, definition, and evaluation. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 8(5), 501-528.
Greeson, J.K.P., Usher, L., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2010). One adult who is crazy about you: Can natural mentoring relationships increase assets among young adults with and without foster care experience? Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 565-577.
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Shanks, T.R.W., Manturuk, K.R., Key, C.C., Paik, J-G., & Greeson, J.K.P. (2010). Homeownership and parenting practices: Evidence from the Community Advantage Panel. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 774-782.
Greeson, J.K.P., Guo, S., Barth, R.P., Hurley, S., & Sisson J. (2009). Contributions of therapist characteristics and stability to intensive in-home therapy youth outcomes. Research on Social Work Practice, 2(19), 239-250.
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Greeson, J.K.P., Yeo, Y.H., Birdsong, S.S., Despard, M.R. & Quercia, R.G. (2009). The impact of low- and moderate-wealth homeownership on parental attitudes and behavior: Evidence from the Community Advantage Panel. Children and Youth Services Review, 31, 23-31.
Greeson, J.K.P., & Bowen, N.K. (2008). “She holds my hand” The experiences of foster youth with their natural mentors. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 1178-1188.
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Lee, J., Greeson, J.K.P., Yeo, Y.H., Han, C., & Irish, K. (2008). Fostering low-income homeownership: A longitudinal randomized experiment on Individual Development Accounts. Housing Policy Debate, 19(4), 711-739.
Barth, R.P., Greeson, J.K.P., Guo, S., Green, R.L., Hurley, S., & Sisson, J. (2007). Changes in family functioning and child behavior following intensive in-home therapy. Children and Youth Services Review, 29, 988-1009.
Barth, R.P., Greeson, J.K.P., Guo, S., Green, R.L., Hurley, S., & Sisson, J. (2007). Outcomes for youth receiving intensive in-home therapy or residential care: A comparison using propensity scores. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(4), 497-505.
Articles in Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
Wolfe, D.S., Wasch, S., Watson, B., Ibekwe, N., & Greeson, J.K.P. (2018). Foster care: Child welfare’s responsibility and challenge. APSAC Advisor, 30(2), 27-32.
Greeson, J.K.P. (2016, November 14). Commentary: Many foster-care youths unprepared for independent living. The Inquirer. Retrieved from http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/20161114_Commentary__Many_foster-care_youth_unprepared_for_independent_living.html?mobi=true
Thompson, A.E. & Greeson, J.K.P. (2015). Legal and relational permanence in older foster care youths. Social Work Today, 15(4), 24-27.
Greeson, J.K.P., Thompson, A.E., & Kinnevy, S. (2014). Natural mentoring of older foster care youths: Behavioral health benefits. Social Work Today, 14(4), 10.
TEDx Talk
How to heal the aging out crisis
Her TEDx talk is about healing the aging out crisis affecting youth in foster care. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx