Dennis P. Culhane, PhD
Research Interests
Housing policy
Policy analysis research methods
Dr. Culhane is a social science researcher with primary expertise in the area of homelessness and assisted housing policy. His work has contributed to efforts to address the housing and support needs of people experiencing housing emergencies and long-term homelessness.
Most recently, Culhane’s research has focused on using linked administrative data to gain a better understanding about the service utilization patterns of vulnerable populations, including youth exiting foster care and/or juvenile justice, as well as the individuals aged 55 and older who are experiencing homelessness.
Dr. Culhane’s research also focuses on homelessness among veterans. From July 2009 – June 2018 he served as Director of Research at the National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Dr. Culhane also co-directs Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP), an initiative that promotes the development, use, and innovation of integrated data systems by states and localities for policy analysis and systems reform.
office: 215.746.3245
fax: 215.573.2099
3701 Locust Walk, Caster Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6214
Standing Faculty | Faculty | Research Centers & Special Projects | Actionable Intelligence for Social PolicyProgram(s)
MSW | MSSP | PhDResearch Areas(s)
Data Driven Policy Analysis + Evidence-Based Practice | Mass Incarceration, Homelessness, Substance UseRelated Links
Selected Publications
Stephen Metraux, Meagan Cusack, Fritz Graham, David S Metzger, et al.. “An Evaluation of the City of Philadelphia’s Kensington Encampment Resolution Pilot” (2019)
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane/227/
Dennis P Culhane, Dan Treglia, Thomas Byrne, Stephen Metraux, et al.. “The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness: Could Housing Solutions Be Funded from Avoidance of Excess Shelter, Hospital and Nursing Home Costs” (2019)
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane/223/
Chris Glynn, Thomas H. Byrne and Dennis P Culhane. “Inflection Points in Community-level Homeless Rates” (2018)
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane/228/
Stephen Metraux, Jamison Fargo, Nicholas Eng and Dennis P Culhane. “Employment and Earnings Trajectories During Two Decades Among Adults in New York City Homeless Shelters” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Vol. 20 Iss. 2 (2018) p. 117 – 146
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane/219/
Dennis P Culhane, John Fantuzzo, Matthew Hill and TC Burnett. “Maximizing the Use of Integrated Data Systems: Understanding the Challenges and Advancing Solutions” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 675 Iss. 1 (2018) p. 221 – 239
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane/216/