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SP2 Fridays

Caster Building - Lobby 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Come out and network with current students and alumni. Refreshments will be served. SP2 Fridays is presented by the Offices of Institutional Advancement & Student Affairs.

SP2 Minute: Faces of Independence

Photography by Harvey Finkle, SW’61 Presented by One Book, One SP2 & The SP2 Art Committee Institutional Advancement and the Office of Inclusion invite you to a special SP2 Minute presented by One Book, One SP2 and the SP2 Art Committee to launch an exhibit of photography from the acclaimed career of documentary photographer and […]

Book Talk – Slow Burn: The Hidden Costs of a Warming World

McNeil 4th Floor 3718 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, May 2, 2024, 5:30 p.m. In-Person Event Location: McNeil 403 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Join us for a discussion with author and SP2 Assistant Professor Dr. Jisung Park and moderator Ben Jealous as they discuss how the subtle but significant consequences of a hotter planet have already begun — from lower test scores to […]

A Toast with the Dean

SP2 Hall of Fame

Inn at Penn 3600 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA

SP2 Alumni Reception

Caster Building Courtyard

SP2 Alumni Reception, May 17th; 5:30-8pm | Caster Courtyard - 3701 Locust Walk Spend the evening with friends and family catching up with fellow alumni while enjoying the live band, food, and drinks. This event is casual dress and don't forget to bring your dancing shoes!

SP2 Jazz Brunch

Caster Building Courtyard

SP2 Jazz Brunch, May 19th: 12-2pm | Caster Courtyard - 3701 Locust Walk A crowd favorite, the SP2 Jazz Brunch is a great way to close out an exciting weekend with great food, drinks, and a relaxing jazz quartet. This event is casual dress.

SP2 Welcome Back Summer Social

Irie Entrée 4001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA

We invite you to join us at Irie Entree for a Welcome Back event to celebrate the start of the 2024 Fall Semester! Along with welcoming new and returning students and SP2 Alumni, we'll have food, drinks, a photo booth and a Live DJ! This event is free and is a part of the New […]

SP2 Speaker Series: Democracy

SP2 SPEAKER SERIES 2024-2025 Friday, September 6, 2024, 12 - 1 p.m. EST Virtual Event REGISTER Join Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) for a conversation about civic engagement, activism, and the political process. This virtual event features host Ben Jealous, whose roles at Penn and beyond include Professor of Practice, Annenberg School […]

Event Series SP2 Fridays

SP2 Fridays

Caster Building - Lobby 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Come out and network with current students and alumni. Refreshments will be served. SP2 Fridays is presented by the Offices of Institutional Advancement & Student Affairs.