info for

Community Partners

Negotiations for the development of a host site for students in an agency may be initiated by either the agency host site or the School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2).

Collaborative initiatives between all three master’s degree programs at SP2 work to identify and engage host community partner sites with the capacity to offer learning opportunities for all three kinds of students, when possible, for an academic year, as well as conduct community engaged research.  These sites may also become specialized HUBs for professional education training offered to students and agency staff, working across disciplines with students, sharing resources, fostering collaboration among sites doing similar work, and identifying challenges and advocacy needs of community partners. HUBs will also be sites for community engaged research conducted in a collaborative model with the community partners, faculty, and students to address partner needs.

Wellness Information



Generational Differences In The Workplace

CE Event: Generational Differences in the Workplace- Understanding and Bridging the Gaps

In today’s dynamic work environment, organizations are increasingly composed of employees and student learners from various generations. This diversity can lead to a myriad of perspectives, skills, and expectations, which, […]



Generational Differences In The Workplace

2 CE Event: Generational Differences in the Workplace

In today’s dynamic work environment, organizations are increasingly composed of employees and student learners from various generations. This diversity can lead to a myriad of perspectives, skills, and expectations, which, […]


A person adds a note to a colorful board with the question

Groundbreaking experiments with guaranteed income for formerly incarcerated individuals show promising results

Research from the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) reveals the profound potential of guaranteed income for individuals reentering communities after incarceration.

Contact Us

MSSP Program

Charlotte Rohrer, Program Coordinator

MSW Program

J. Grant, Community-Engaged Professional Education Director

NPL Program

Sue Perls, Associate Director