The Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse is a collaborative effort of faculty and students at the University of Pennsylvania who research issues related to violence and abuse against women & girls.

The Center is a vital resource for policy makers, agency directors, researchers, and educators as they search for ways to end violence and abuse against women and girls. In addition to publishing research findings in scholarly journals, Center affiliates teach related graduate and undergraduate courses at Penn. We also testify before policymakers, collaborate with community-based organizations, and reach the general public through various media outlets.

Students working together in class

Our Mission

Safe Daughters. Confident Women. Strong Society.

Our Vision

The mission of the Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse in Relationships is to

  • Investigate the correlates and consequences of violence and abuse against women and girls in domestic and intimate relations
  • Educate the next generation of researchers, practitioners, and policy makers
  • Translate research findings to policy and practice
  • Engage community and university stakeholders to prevent violence and abuse, create conditions for health, well-being and flourishing for women and girls and, thus, make society stronger.

Penn Faculty Fellows









Faculty and students who are part of the Ortner Center study the remarkable range of abuse and violence against women and girls, the context in which it occurs, and how best to help those who have been victimized and survived. These succinct summaries provide a glimpse into some of the issues.

The Endemic Amid the Pandemic: Seeking Help for Violence against Women in the Initial Phases of COVID-19

The Endemic Amid the Pandemic: Seeking Help for Violence against Women in the Initial Phases of COVID-19 shows that things are not as straightforward as many might think.

Firearms and Intimate Partner Violence: Scope and Policy Implications

Firearms and Intimate Partner Violence: Scope and Policy Implications reviews policy levers by which to reduce risks posed by abusers with firearms.

Q&A with Erin Hartman

Q&A with Erin Hartman, Penn graduate and Ortner Center alum, on the Ortner Center being a hub for her launching a career in reducing gender-based violence.

From Cell to Home

From Cell to Home is a project of the Ortner Center and Penn Law’s Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice. Penn students are helping secure the release of women incarcerated in Pennsylvania.

No Visible Bruises

No Visible Bruises is the title of a compelling 2019 book. It also is a hallmark of particularly pernicious form of abuse, strangulation.

Parents and Campus Sexual Assault

Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C)

Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) in the U.S. is the focus of pioneering Ivona Percec, Penn Medicine faculty and Ortner Faculty Fellow.


Student Opportunities


The Ortner Center offers competitive seed grants to support student-developed research projects. The purpose of the funding is to support independent, innovative, student-initiated research projects that will contribute to the knowledge surrounding intimate partner violence and will enhance the research skills of students so as to better prepare them for their future work as scholars. Awards range from $1000-$4000 and are contingent upon the budget justification provided by the applicant. Proposals from students at all levels and in all Schools are considered. Priority is given to applications from doctoral students. Application guidelines can be found below.


The Ortner Center conference travel grant program supports doctoral students attending professional conferences that will advance their careers. Students are encouraged to apply to present their research at the conferences although being a presenter is not a requirement.

Eligibility & Allocation

Doctoral students enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania are eligible to apply to the Ortner Center for a travel grant if they do not have other funding available to them through their own School or elsewhere. If the costs of attending a conference exceed those available through other sources, students may apply to the Ortner Center for supplemental funding. Funds will be made available taking into account the number of students applying, the availability of other travel funds, the amount requested, and previous travel funding from the Ortner Center.


Travel grant money may be used for transportation to the conference site, conference registration, lodging, and meals. For students who are presenting their work in a poster session, funds also may be used to cover costs of poster printing.

Priority will be given to applications for travel to conferences that include content related to violence within families or intimate relationships.

Applicants should consider the most economical options in developing the proposed budgets (the most economical form of travel, sharing accommodations when possible/appropriate, early student registration when available, etc.).

For conferences in the United States or Canada or Mexico, students can apply for grants of up to $1000. For other conferences, students can apply for grants of up to $1500. Faculty and students associated with the Ortner Center will review all applications and make final determinations about awards.

A commitment for travel support will be made by the Ortner Center prior to the conference. Funds will be made available on an actual cost basis (i.e., receipts).

Students presenting at a conference are asked to acknowledge the Ortner Center in their presentation materials (e.g., posters, handouts, slides).


Student Fellows


Executive Program

The Executive Program in Leadership Strategy for Violence & Abuse Prevention, was the first and only executive program for people and organizations working to end violence and abuse. Whether you’re just starting out or the Executive Director of an established agency, this program will enhance your strategic leadership and management skills for more effective social impact work.

The executive program in Leadership Strategy for Violence & Abuse Prevention was put on hold during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic which reverberated across the globe. We are pausing, gathering information, reassessing, and adapting. Whatever emerges from our reboot, we remain steadfast in the Ortner Center vision – Safe Daughters, Confident Women, Strong Society.



Student Fellows


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Contact us

Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse

Engage, share, and discuss the latest news from the Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse



Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse

University of Pennsylvania

3815 Walnut St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104


Apply to become a Fellow with the Center.