Shimrit Keddem, PhD
Cohort: 2014-2015
Advisor: Amy Hillier
Research Interests
Health disparities
Reproductive health & unintended pregnancy
Veteran health
Shimrit Keddem is Co-Director of the Qualitative Research Core at the Center for Health Equity, Research, and Promotion (CHERP) at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center. Dr. Keddem is a health services researcher with expertise in qualitative methods. She has a Masters in Urban Spatial Analysis and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of Pennsylvania. Her interests center around issues of health and well-being among disadvantaged populations. Dr. Keddem’s dissertation focused on breastfeeding among women veterans. In her other work, Dr. Keddem has studied pregnancy intention, patient engagement, use of geographic methods to display qualitative data, and application of implementation science in primary care interventions.
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