Sharon Zanti

Sharon Zanti, MSW

  • Student, PhD in Social Welfare
  • Doctoral Fellow, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
  • Research Interests

    Integrated Data Systems

    Administrative data analysis

    State and local public policy

    Human service organizations

    Applied research methods

    Sharon Zanti, MSW, is a Doctoral Fellow at AISP and current PhD student at SP2. Sharon studies how human service systems collect, integrate, and analyze administrative data in service of social policymaking and works with AISP to bridge academic and applied approaches to data sharing and integration work. She previously worked as a Performance Analyst for children, youth and family programs at the Colorado Department of Human Services. In addition, Sharon worked with Colorado county partners on performance improvement efforts and completed a research fellowship analyzing adult protective services data.

    Sharon holds a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Denver. Prior to pursuing social work, Sharon worked as a project coordinator in the software industry and earned a BS in Commerce from the University of Virginia. Sharon lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and loves going salsa and swing dancing in her free time.







    Dr. Dennis Culhane


    Research Centers & Special Projects | Current PhD Students | Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy

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