Micheal L. Shier, PhD

  • Alum, PhD Program
  • PhD Graduate

    • PhD Candidate, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, 2010-2011 cohort
      Dissertation Title: Explaining direct social service non-profit organizations that undertake transformative programs and initiatives: Characteristics of intra- and inter- organizational context
      Advisor: Dr. Femida Handy
    • University of Calgary – Master’s in Social Work, 2010
      Thesis: Human service organizations and the social environment: Making connections between practice and theory
    • University of Calgary – Bachelor of Social Work, 2008
    • University of Lethbridge – Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, 2002



    • Jones, M.E., Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (contracted and in progress). Living precariously: Inside the world of an economic underclass. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

    Book Chapters:

    • Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (contracted and in progress). Canadian social policy. In C. Franklin (Ed.). Encyclopedia of social work online. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    • Shier, M.L., & Handy, F. (submitted). Give India: Web donations in an emerging nonprofit market. In Cnaan, R.A., & Vinokur-Kaplan, D (Eds.). Innovative nonprofits: Organizations that make a difference. Sage Publications.
    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2012). Religion, spirituality and social work in academic settings. In Groen, J., Graham, J.R., & Coholic, D. (Eds.), Spirituality in Education and Social Work: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (pp. 35-56). Waterloo, CA: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
    • Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2012). Social work, religion, culture and spirituality. In K. Lyons, T. Hokenstad, M Pawar, and N. Huegler (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of International Social Work (pp. 279-293). London, UK: Sage Publications.
    • Shier, M.L. (2011). Problem solving and social work. In F. J. Turner (Ed.). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (5th Edition) (pp. 364-373). New York: Oxford University Press.

    Journal Articles:

    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (in press). Professional expectations and those of social work: Implications for social worker subjective well-being. Journal of Social Work Practice.
    • Shier, M.L., Graham, J.R., & Goitam, M. (in press). Youth experiences with securing employment: Perceptions of and experiences with employer discrimination and expectations hinder successful labour market attachment. Canadian Review of Social Policy.
    • Graham, J.R., Fukuda, E., Shier, M.L., Kline, T.B.J., Brownlee, K., & Novik, N. (in press). Demographic, work-related, and life satisfaction predictors of Northern social workers’ satisfaction with work and profession. International Social Work.
    • Jones, M.E., Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (in press). Social exclusion and self-esteem: The impact of the identity – bureaucracy nexus on employed people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Comparative Social Welfare.
    • Shier, M.L., Graham, J.R., Deane, L., & Jones, M.E. (in press). Leadership in a Chinese advocacy focused non-profit organization: Adaptability to context for leadership success. Social Development Issues.
    • Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2013). Organizations and social worker well-being: The intra-organizational context of practice and its impact on practitioner’s subjective well-being. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 36(1), 61-90.
    • Shier, M.L., Graham, J.R., Fukuda, E., Brownlee, K., Kline, T.B.J., Walji, S.A., & Novik, N. (2012). Social workers and satisfaction with child welfare work: Aspects of work, profession and personal life that contribute to turnover. Child Welfare Journal, 91(5), 117-138.
    • Shier, M.L., & Handy, F. (2012). Understanding online donor behavior: The role of donor characteristics, perceptions of the internet, website and program, and influence from social networks. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 17(3), 219-230.
    • Graham, J.R., Shier, M.L., & Brownlee, K. (2012). Contexts of practice and their impact on social work: A comparative analysis of the context of geography and culture. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 21(2), 111-128.
    • Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Graham, J.R. (2012). Employment difficulties experienced by employed homeless people: Labour market factors that contribute to and maintain homelessness. Journal of Poverty, 16(1), 27-47.
    • Jones, M.E., Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2012). Aspects of intimate relationships that can impact stable housing: Insight from a homeless sub-population in a large Canadian city. Journal of Social Policy, 41(1), 101-117.
    • Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Graham, J.R. (2011). Socio-cultural factors to consider when addressing vulnerability of social service users: Insights from women experiencing homelessness. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 26(3).
    • Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2011). Work-related factors that impact social work practitioners’ subjective well-being: Well-being in the workplace. Journal of Social Work.11(4), 402-421.
    • Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Graham, J.R. (2011). Social communities and homelessness: A broader concept analysis of social relationships and being homeless. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 21(5), 455-474.
    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2011). Making sense of their world: Aspects of spirituality and subjective well-being of practicing social workers. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 30(3), 1-19.
    • Shier, M.L., Sinclair, C., & Gault, L. (2011). Challenging ‘ableism’ and teaching about disability in a social work classroom: A training module for generalist social workers working with people disabled by the social environment. Critical Social Work, 12(1), 47-64.
    • Shier, M.L., Engstrom, S., & Graham, J.R. (2011). International migration and social work: A review of the literature. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 9(1), 38-56.
    • Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2011). Mindfulness, subjective well-being, and social work: Insight into their interconnection from social work practitioners. Social Work Education. 30(1), 29-44.
    • Walsh, C.A., Shier, M.L., & Graham, J.R. (2010). Local community engagement: Implications for youth shelter and support services. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 19(2), 46-61.
    • Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Graham, J.R. (2010). Perspectives of self and situation of employed people experiencing homelessness: Challenging socially constructed perceptions and stereotypes. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 37(4), 13-37.
    • Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Graham, J.R. (2010). Turnaround points: The role of help seeking and service delivery for employed people experiencing homelessness in Calgary, Canada. Social Development Issues, 32(3), 50-64.
    • Walsh, C.A., Beamer, K., Alexander, C., Shier, M.L., Loates, M. & Graham, J.R. (2010). Listening to the silenced: Informing homeless shelter design for women through investigation of site, situation, and service. Social Development Issues, 32(3), 35-49.
    • Walsh, C. A., Shier, M. L., Sitter K. C., & Sieppert, J. D. (2010). Applied methods of teaching about oppression and diversity to graduate social work students: A case example of digital stories. TheCanadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 1-15.
    • Shier, M.L., Graham, J.R. & Jones, M.E. (2010). Social capital for vulnerable groups: Insight from employed people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 19(3/4), 132-155.
    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2010). Social work practitioners and subjective well-being: Personal factors that contribute to high levels of subjective well-being. International Social Work. 53(6), 757-772.
    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2010). The social work profession and subjective well-being: The impact of a profession on overall subjective well-being. British Journal of Social Work, 40(5),1553-1572.
    • Graham, J.R., Jones, M.E., & Shier, M. (2010). Tipping Points: What participants found valuable in labour market training programs for vulnerable groups. InternationalJournal of Social Welfare,19(1), 63-72.
    • Walsh, C.A., Graham, J.R., & Shier, M. (2009). Towards a common goal for shelter service. Social Development Issues, 31(2), 57-69.
    • Graham, J.R., Walsh, C.A., & Shier, M. (2009). The application of precedent methodology to analyze homeless shelter service delivery. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 203-211.
    • Graham, J.R., Shier, M.L., Jones, M.E., & Grey, E. (2009). Individualism: Perceptions of people experiencing difficulties integrating into labour markets. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 62, 1-16.
    • Graham, J.R. & Shier, M. (2009). Religion and social work: An Analysis of Faith Traditions, Themes, and Global North/South Authorship. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 28(1/2), 215-233.
    • Shier, M., Graham, J.R., & Jones, M.E. (2009). Barriers to employment as experienced by disabled people: A qualitative analysis in Calgary and Regina, Canada.  Disability and Society, 24(1), 63-75.
    • Graham, J.R., Brownlee, K., Shier, M., & Doucette, E. (2008). Localization of social work knowledge in Canada’s geographic norths: An exploratory qualitative analysis of practitioner adaptations to social work knowledge in northern Ontario and Northwest Territories. Arctic: Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America, 61(4), 399-406.
    • Walsh, C.A., Hewson, J., Shier, M., & Morales, E. (2008). Unraveling ethics: Reflections from a community-based participatory research project with youth. The Qualitative Report, 13(3), 379-393.
    • Jones, M.E., Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2007/2008). Linking transportation inadequacies to negative employment outcomes: Moving beyond placing blame on individuals for unemployment. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 60/61, 91-108.
    • Shier, M., Walsh, C.A., & Graham, J.R. (2007). Conceptualizing optimum homeless shelter service delivery: The interconnection between programming, community, and the built environment. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 16(1), 58-75.

    Book Reviews:

    Shier, M.L. (2012). Review of: Handbook of practical program evaluation (3rd Edition). Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41(6), 1269-1272.

    Presentations (from the past three years)

    Refereed Conference Presentations:

    • Shier, M.L., & Handy, F. (2012, November). The use of scales in NVSQ: From trends to goals. Part of the the colloquium Scale development in nonprofit research. Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 2012 Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
    • McDougle, L., Shier, M.L., & Handy, F. (2011, November). The role of civil society organizations in communities: Conceptualization of a “civic footprint”. Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Activity (ARNOVA) 2011 Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Jones, M.E., Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2010, August). Social exclusion and self-esteem: The impact of the identity-bureaucracy nexus on employed people experiencing homelessness. 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
    • Graham, J.R., Shier, M.L., & Jones, M.E. (2010, August). Human and social capital for vulnerable populations: Insight from employed people experiencing homelessness. 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2010, June). Subjective well being, spirituality, and the human services. 5th North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
    • Graham, J.R., Shier, M.L., & Jones, M.E (2010, June). Human and social capital for vulnerable populations: Insight from women experiencing homelessness to improve service delivery methods. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong.
      Received Best Abstract Award (Researcher)

    Invited Research Presentations (Non-refereed):

    • Graham, J.R., & Shier, M.L. (2013, September). Stress and well-being in the human services workplace. Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Annual Conference, Red Deer, Alberta.
    • Graham, J.R., Tanescu, A., Williamson, D., Newberry, A., Shier, M.L., & Fukudo, E. (May, 2011). Alberta seven cities quantitative survey analysis. Paper presented to HRSDC Policy Decision Makers, and to CMHC Policy Experts, Ottawa, Ontario.





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