Wellness at penn

Top-notch care and a commitment to holistic wellness.

The School of Social Policy & Practice and the University of Pennsylvania are dedicated to the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of every student. Whether engaging with Penn’s team of practitioners, internists, gynecologists, nurses, and trained peer health educators, or taking advantage of the University’s many wellness resources, our students have access to the care they need, when they need it.

Students sitting on grass on campus

Student Health Services

Penn’s team of providers and support staff provides a range of medical services to students, from primary care and sports medicine to acupuncture and gynecological care.

Penn’s School of Dental Medicine offers low-cost, high-quality dental care provided by dental students and hygienists under the supervision of faculty.

The staff of Student Counseling includes psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other mental health professionals who offer a wide range of services, including individual and group counseling and therapy, crisis intervention, structured workshops, psychological testing, medication reviews, and consultation.

Wellness at Penn’s Public Health and Wellbeing team is dedicated to creating a community of care through advocacy, education, and action. Staff focuses on offering a wide variety of healthy living topics.

Penn’s Violence Prevention program works to prevent sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking on campus through outreach and education.

Penn Recreation/Gym Membership

Penn Recreation offers two campus gyms for students, faculty and staff. Pottruck Gym and Fox Gym offers a variety of classes, equipment, basketball courts, and more.

i care is an interactive gatekeeper training for students, faculty, and staff that builds a caring community with the skills and resources to intervene with student stress, distress, and crisis.

The Weingarten Center provides professional instruction in academic reading, writing, study strategies, and more, as well as comprehensive services for students who self-identify with disabilities.

The Office of Student Disabilities Services (SDS) provides students with disabilities comprehensive, professional services and programs to ensure equal academic opportunities and participation in University-sponsored programs.

The Family Resource Center at Penn is a hub for information, resources, activities and advocacy for students and post-docs with children. The Family Center provides a forum for student parents to connect and develop supportive networks and offers a welcoming and family-friendly environment.

Cultural Centers

Penn offers a number of off-campus cultural centers to encourage cross-cultural activism, reflection, and dialogue.

Spirituality and Faith

The Office of the Chaplain & SPARC – Spiritual and Religious Life Center facilitates and encourages initiatives concerned with the moral, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of university life.


The Penn Park Farm is located on-campus, serving as a vibrant wellness hub as well as a source of produce for individuals experiencing food insecurity.

Campus Confidential Resources

The following is a list of the University’s confidential resource offices. These confidential resources are not required to provide information disclosed to them about incidents of sexual misconduct to the Office of the AVP and Title IX Officer.

Contact Us

Student Health Services

3535 Market Street

Suite 100 


215-746-1032 (fax)


When contacting Student Health Services
please dial 215-746-3535 and choose one of the available options:

  1. Urgent Medical Problem/Emergencies
  2. Appointments
  3. Insurance
  4. Immunization Requirements
  5. Medical Records
  6. Contact Clinical Staff
  7. Prescription Refill
  8. Administration

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