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Social Work Month Lunch: At the Intersection of Neuro & Gender Expansion

Penn LGBT Center 3907 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA

At the LGBT Center Goodhand Room from 11am - 12pm, Dr. Danna Bodenheimer will present on clinical conversations through an LGBT lens. Dr. Danna Bodenheimer is the LGBT Center's Scholar in Residence.

Navigating Complexity in a Time of Turmoil: Building Coalitions Across Professions

Penn LGBT Center 3907 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA

On March 26, SP2 Alum Kurt Oster will be coming to speak about policy advocacy for the LGTBQ+ community. He will be bringing his lived experience of practicing social work in Texas and Alabama, utilizing professional organizations and community to proactively work for policy change, and what to do when harmful policy is passed. This […]