Submit an Event

Submit an event for inclusion on the SP2 calendar.

SP2 Negotiation Lab

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Career Services will present a role play on negotiation based on a particular SP2-relevant job search scenario to be followed by a debrief and discussion on how to negotiate a job offer.  This session will take place in the Caster Building and on Zoom. More details will be provided!

SP2 Leadership Collective – Check-In

Hosted by Douglas Brooks and Student Affairs. This event is for students of the African Diaspora.

SP2 Leadership Collective Dinner

Hosted by Douglas Brooks and Student Affairs. This event is for students of the African Diaspora.

SP2 Leadership Fellow – Conversation with Darla Coffey

Meet SP2's newest Leadership Fellow, Darla Coffey, PhD, MSW. Dr. Coffey is a SP2 alumna and the former president and CEO of the Council of Social Work Education. Darla was recently named a Social Work Pioneer by the National Association Social Work Foundation. Social Pioneers are thought leaders, mentors, and luminaries who have, through innovative […]

SP2 Leadership Collective – Check-In

Hosted by Douglas Brooks and Student Affairs. This event for students who are of African Diaspora.

Belonging at SP2

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

This workshop offers an interactive space for students to get to know each other through a discussion of their similarities and differences. The objective is to create an experience where people are connecting on a more authentic level and begin an ongoing conversation surrounding what belonging at SP2 means. Snacks will be provided!

Belonging at SP2

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

This workshop offers an interactive space for students to get to know each other through a discussion of their similarities and differences. The objective is to create an experience where people are connecting on a more authentic level and begin an ongoing conversation surrounding what belonging at SP2 means. Snacks will be provided!

Defender Association Presentation

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

A team of staff and social workers from the Defender will be talking about the mission and work of the Defender Association and the role of social work in serving clients.

MSSP Social Policy Speaker Series ft. Dr. Beatrice Fazi

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Causal Reasoning and Computation Please join us at the next MSSP Social Policy Speaker Series event featuring Dr. M. Beatrice Fazi, Reader in Digital Humanities in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Her research focuses on the ontologies and epistemologies produced by contemporary technoscience, particularly in relation to issues in […]

De-Stress Fest

Caster Building - Room 309/310 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Guest facilitator, Marian Reiff from Student Health & Counseling, will facilitate a mindful movement workshop. The workshop will include simple techniques, including stretching, strengthening, breathing, balancing and relaxation, that can be incorporated into daily life to help relieve stress, improve concentration, and enhance wellbeing. The session is appropriate for all levels of movement experience. Participants […]