SP2 Fridays
Caster Building CourtyardCome out and network with current students and alumni. Refreshments will be served. SP2 Fridays is presented by the Offices of Institutional Advancement & Student Affairs.
Come out and network with current students and alumni. Refreshments will be served. SP2 Fridays is presented by the Offices of Institutional Advancement & Student Affairs.
This Lunch and Learn Talk provides an overview of key elements of effective nonprofits: Evaluating programs for impact. Human Resources promising practices for staff and volunteers. Board Governance promising practices as to recruitment, nomination, orientation, and mentoring systems. Key Administrative Operations including resource development, financial management, marketing/communications, technology and facilities. Strategic Planning overview. Developing a […]
The SP2 librarian Sam Kirk will walk through a variety of topics, depending on what feels relevant to attendees. Potential topics will include the following: An overview of core library services, like how to access full-text, how to get a book and use Books by Mail, use interlibrary loan, and book a group study room […]
Grant Writing 101 takes participants through the fundamentals of effective grant research and elements needed to construct winning grant proposals. This event is open to NPL alumni, current students, and practicum partners.
Join the Learning Specialists from the Weingarten Center as they support you in developing effective learning habits and strategies.
Meet SP2's newest Leadership Fellow, Darla Coffey, PhD, MSW. Dr. Coffey is a SP2 alumna and the former president and CEO of the Council of Social Work Education. Darla was recently named a Social Work Pioneer by the National Association Social Work Foundation. Social Pioneers are thought leaders, mentors, and luminaries who have, through innovative […]
A multi-disciplinary lecture connected to SWRK 6010, delivered by renowned scholars and practitioners in various fields relevant to social work and social policy
Conversations about race, equity, and justice with experts on social policy and social work. Climate Refugees: The Implications of our Changing Environment This free webinar featured SP2 Assistant Professors Dr. R. Jisung Park and Dr. Alice Xu in conversation with Professor of Practice Ben Jealous. Join SP2 on 11/16 for the next SP2 Speaker Series […]
MSW students are eligible to take a waiver examination for SWRK 6150: Introduction to Social Work Research. This exam offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of material covered in this course. Students who pass the waiver exam will not be required to take SWRK 6150 but will be required to take another research […]