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People’s Paper Co-Op: Selling Artwork for the Mama’s Day Bail Out

People's Paper Co Op art

SP2 Students for Criminal Justice Advocacy is collaborating with People’s Paper Co-Op on an art sale to raise money for the Philadelphia Bail Fund’s annual Mama’s Day Bail Out campaign. Attached is some artwork sold in previous years and below is a blurb from their website.

Come buy some beautiful artwork and support a great cause!

The People’s Paper Co-op is a women led, women focused, women powered art and advocacy project at the Village of Arts and Humanities in North Philadelphia. The PPC looks to women in reentry as the leading criminal justice experts our society needs to hear from and uses art to amplify their stories, dreams, and visions for a more just and free world.

“Since 2018, the People’s Paper Co-op has collaborated with the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund on their annual Mama’s Day Bail Out campaign. Each year we organize exhibitions, parades, press conferences, and events to raise awareness and funds for the campaign, while sharing the stories, dreams, and demands of formerly incarcerated women with thousands of Philadelphians. Our poster and t-shirt sales have raised over $200,000 to free black mothers and caregivers for Mother’s Day!”

Event Details

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


Caster Building – Lobby
3701 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104 United States
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