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From Foster Care to College: How Can Social Workers Support Higher Education Success?

The Field Center Presents Understanding Disability Services At Penn And Best Practices For Supporting Disabled And Neurodivergent Students

Research tells us that without support, young adults with foster care experience are less likely to attend, persist, and succeed in higher education. These college students face complex challenges that require innovative solutions. At SP2’s Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice & Research, the “Foster Care to College” project aims to improve higher education outcomes in Pennsylvania for students in and aging out of foster care through myriad initiatives. Social workers throughout the child welfare and education domains are a critical piece of promoting higher education success. In this conversation with social work staff and interns from the Field Center, you will hear firsthand how SP2 is engaging with local communities and how you can incorporate knowledge about the transition to college for youth in foster care into your work.

Event Details

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Category:


MSW Program

