News Details

Social Work Advocates for Immigrant Rights

Katharine Cristaudo, MSW’14

Authored by: Erica Zaveloff

Photography by: Candace diCarlo

Student Life


“We work with all immigrants, regardless of their country of origin. This year we worked in Center City with District 1199c two hours a week helping refugees with resume writing. We definitely want to collaborate more with different schools throughout Penn and be more involved in the community.” – Club President, Katharine Cristaudo, MSW’14

Social Work Advocates for Immigrant Rights (SWAIR) provides support to immigrants and immigrant organizations in the Philadelphia community, and aims to strengthen knowledge and understanding of social workers’ role in issues of immigration.

“As social workers, according to our core values and ethics, we are the advocates for our clients no matter who they are. I think this is the perfect example of a group that doesn’t have a voice,” Cristaudo explained.