Cancer Happens Everywhere

This program is currently on hold.

The Advanced Certificate in Oncology Social Work Practice is designed for current healthcare social workers to gain superior knowledge and skills for work with individuals, families, and communities impacted by cancer. Our unique hybrid online and immersion program offers a world class learning opportunity in a highly interactive, relational, and convenient format.

We combine an immersive campus weekend with interactive, online course delivery that supports learning for working professionals, wherever they live and work. Learners will travel to the University of Pennsylvania’s campus in mid-October for an intensive weekend of learning alongside peers and building relationships with nationally recognized social work leaders. Online classes using videoconferencing are then offered twice per month.

Dr. Allison Werner-Lin teaches a class

What is Oncology Social Work?

Oncology social work is a specialization within social work practice that addresses the psychosocial needs of individuals, families, and communities impacted by cancer. Emerging from a long tradition of social work in healthcare, the sub-specialty of oncology social work has flourished in the last century as biomedical advances transformed cancer from a terminal to a chronic disease. Despite these advances, a diagnosis of cancer is often emotionally and financially devastating. Through multi-systemic and holistic practice, research, education, and advocacy, social workers are integral to providing comprehensive care to people with cancer.

Program Leadership

Program Leadership

The Advanced Certificate in Oncology Social Work Practice is led by a team of nationally recognized oncology social workers and allied health and mental health professionals with expertise in cancer research, training, and practice. Each module will be led by a renowned leader who will bring their experience and knowledge to the program.

Program Director



Frequently Asked Questions

When do classes meet?

Online course sessions will meet virtually on Wednesday evenings twice per month. Each class session will run 7:00pm – 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time. The immersive weekend will take place over three days — Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday morning.

I’ve been working in the field for several years. Can I benefit from this program?

Absolutely! Learning is a lifelong process. Most MSW programs do not offer oncology-specific classroom instruction, so many seasoned oncology social workers have learned on the job, at professional meetings, or in continuing education. Experiential learning is critical and so is the opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals about the state of the art in research, innovative practice, and programming, and theories of human behavior and development issues that challenge us in our work on a daily basis. This program will connect you to leaders in the field who will teach and mentor you towards elevated practice, regardless of whether you completed your MSW two years ago or ten years ago.

Where will the program take place?

We combine an immersive campus weekend with interactive, online course delivery that supports learning for working professionals, wherever they live and work. Online classes using videoconferencing are offered twice per month throughout 2020. Learners will travel to the University of Pennsylvania’s campus in mid-October. Online classes using videoconferencing are then offered twice per month from through July. You can learn from any place with internet access, including your home! In Spring 2020, learners will travel to the University of Pennsylvania’s campus for an exciting weekend intensive immersion.

I am full-time working professional, will there be homework?

Our instructors understand that participants will be working full-time. Learners are expected to complete some preparation before each monthly meeting, for example reading a few journal articles on the topic. These will be useful for applications in the workplace.

Is this program available online?

Our unique hybrid program offers learners the opportunity for in-person networking during the immersion weekend in Philadelphia. Learners will come from all over the country to join the program immersion weekend. Then online classes using videoconferencing are offered twice per month.

What about traveling to Philadelphia?

Philadelphia is an easy destination city – accessible via Amtrak and air. Many low cost AirBnB housing options are available in the nearby University City/West Philadelphia neighborhoods.

Does this program earn me the OSW-C?

This program is not affiliated with OSW-C (Oncology Social Worker, Certified) or the Board of Oncology Social Work Certification (BOSWC). However, credits earned through the ACOSW program would be eligible for application towards OSW-C renewal (as they are oncology specific). This program is not a requirement to obtain the OSW-C.

How many continuing education credits will I earn?

The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice is a CSWE accredited school and will supply continuing education credits. We will work with other social work continuing education state boards for approval in states where participants are licensed.

Completion of the certificate program offers 60 CEU’s including 3 ethics credits.

How competitive is the application process?

Our application asks that you provide details about your academic background and your current work with a statement of support from your current supervisor. Our staff is looking to build a cohort of well qualified individuals who will be able to directly apply what is learned to their practice. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with each applicant considered based on the fit between the applicants learning goals and the program offering.

Is financial aid available?

Penn SP2 encourages applicants to explore opportunities for tuition remission and professional development funding from their home institutions. In facilities/agencies with clinical ladders in place for employment advancement, we anticipate this program will help participants achieve requirements to make positive advancement in their clinical ladder.

Is this a graduate credit earning program?

You will not earn Penn academic/graduate credits as part of this program.

I have additional questions. Who can I contact?

Contact Us

Allison Werner-Lin, PhD, LCSW

Program Director