Josephine Russo, MSW
Josephine Russo graduated from The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice in May of 2013 where she focused on macro social work, specifically program design, research, evaluation and nonprofit management. Her resume demonstrates a wide range of dynamic experience: positive youth development, homeless outreach, crisis intervention, domestic violence counseling, and sexual assault response. Josephine has a passion for social justice and a clear investment in advancing society through innovation and evidence-based practices. Her work is grounded by belief in the power and effectiveness of collaboration, and data-driven social change. For the past 5 years, she has specialized in all facets of non-profit evaluation including research and measurement design, data collection, storage and analysis, and outcomes reporting. She has conducted site visits to evaluate and improve the quality of youth programs and out-of-school time systems across the country. Currently, she serves as the Manager of Strategic Research for IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
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