Isabel Headshot

Isabel Rose Algrant, MSSP + DA

  • Assistant Director of Training & Technical Assistance, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
  • Isabel is the Assistant Director of Training and Technical Assistance at Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP). She works with the Director of Training and Technical Assistance to create sustainable data governance, centering community voice, especially for those most marginalized. Before joining AISP, Isabel taught 8th grade Math and Science at the Dwight-Englewood School. She has served as an intern at the Philadelphia City Council and hosts the “Why Are My Students Acting Like Children?” podcast. She has a Masters in Social Policy and Data Analysis from SP2 at the University of Pennsylvania, a BA in Government and Theater from Wesleyan University. She is a lover of theater and all things art, and is enjoying exploring all of the Philadelphia museums.




    3701 Locust Walk
    Caster Building
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6214





    School Administration | Research Centers & Special Projects | Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy