PhD Student, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, 2010-2011 cohort
Advisor:Dr. Ram Cnaan
Dissertation: Blessings and Burdens: How Immigrants to the United States Who Are Latter-day Saints Perceive the Benefits and Costs of Being Religious
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor – Master’s in Social Work, 2010
Brigham Young University – Bachelor’s in Social Work, 2009
DSSC and GAPSA G12 Synergy Fund Conference, March 21 2013, Latter-day Saint Volunteerism, Paper
Latter-day Saint Student Association regional conference, March 30 2013, Latter-day Saint Volunteerism, Paper
Annual meeting for the Scientific Study of Religion, October 2012, Motivating Mormons: What motivates Mormons to volunteer and donate?, Paper
ARNOVA, November 2012, Motivating Mormons, Paper
Cnaan & Curtis, Religious Congregations as Voluntary Associations: An Overview., Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2013, 42(2)
Curtis & Cnaan, International Volunteering by Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints., International Journal of Religion and Society. 2012, 2(4)
Cnaan, R. Curtis, D.W. (2010). The Business of Helping the Poor. Nitte Management Review.