Catherine (Cate) Revak, LSW
Catherine (Cate) T. Revak, LSW, has received multiple degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. She received her BA in gender, sexuality, and women’s studies from The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Arts and Sciences. Additionally, she received her MSW from the University of Pennsylvania’s Social Policy and Practice (SP2). Currently, she is in the process of receiving her Doctorate in Clinical Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice. Finally, alongside working towards her Doctorate, she is a part-time lecturer at SP2 where she teaches “Mental Health Diagnostics.”
During her time as an MSW student at SP2, Cate studied as a PEARLS Fellow (Program for Education, Assessment, Recovery, and Leadership in Social Work). With this fellowship she focusing her work on mental health care for veterans in various settings. Since this fellowship, Cate is now a member of the Veterans’ Administration, Veteran Community Advisory Board (VCAB), in conjunction with the Veterans Administration’s Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP). This appointment serves the mission to provide equity and quality in health and health care among veterans and other vulnerable populations. In Cate’s work with the VCAB, along with other board members she seeks to improve the design of veteran patient-relevant research, increase uptake of research into practice, build veteran support for research, and restore trust in the VA.
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