Richard Estes, MSW, DSW
Richard J. Estes is Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He holds an A.B. degree from La Salle University in Philadelphia and graduate degrees in social work from the University of Pennsylvania (Master of Social Work) and the University of California at Berkeley (Doctor of Social Welfare). He also holds a post-master’s Certificate in Psychiatric Social Work from the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas.
Dr. Estes’ international activities have been extensive. Among other assignments, he has held visiting Professorships in Iran, Norway, the People’s Republic of China, Morocco, South Korea, Hawaii, Japan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Belgium, Sweden, Mexico, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. In the United States, Dr. Estes is founding President of the Philadelphia Area Chapter of the Society for International Development (SID). He is a former president of the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education (GADE), and is a former Chair of the Council on External Relations of the Global Commission of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). In 2004 he was elected President of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS).
Until 2010, Dr. Estes served as Chair of the graduate concentration in Social and Economic Development (SED) where he also directed the School’s international programs until his retirement from Penn in July 2010.
Dr. Estes has been the recipient of many awards and grants for his research on international social work and comparative social development including two Fulbright-Hays Senior Research Awards (Iran, 1978 and Norway, 1979) and a Fulbright Scholar Award to Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea (1994). In 1992, he was elected Social Worker of the Year by the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers for his international activities. In 1996 he received the Alumni Recognition Award from the University of Pennsylvania School Of Social Work. In 1997 he was awarded the Distinguished Recent Contribution to Social Work Education Award by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the International Rhoda G. Sarnat Award of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Best Article in Social Indicators Research Award of the International Society of Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS). In 2002 he was appointed Distinguished Visiting Scholar of United College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he served as an External Examiner for the University’s Department of Social Work until 2008. In 2005, the Global Commission of the Council on Social Work Education awarded Dr. Estes its Partner in International Education Award. In 2007, Dr. Estes received the Distinguished Quality of Life Research Award of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) and served as University Distinguished Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In January 2014 Dr. Estes was inducted into the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW), the leading professional honorific organization for social welfare specialist in the United States. Also in 2014, the International Society for Quality of Life Study (ISQOLS) honored Dr. Estes in Florence, Italy by establishing a permanently endowed lecture series in his name on international and comparative studies in quality of life research. In the same year the International Consortium for Social Developed (ICSD) honored him in Singapore for his pioneering work in international and comparative social development research.
In recent years, Prof. Estes has become interested in development patterns occurring in Islamic nations including in factors that contribute to Islamic terrorism both internally and that directed against other nations. He has since written extensively on developing trends occurring in these nations including problems associated with Islamic militancy and terrorism.
mobile: 215.565.5356
3701 Locust Walk, Caster Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6214
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Azaola, E., Estes, R. J. (2003). La Infancia Como Mercancia Sexual: México, Canadá y Estados Unidos (TheCommercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Mexico, Canada and the United States). Mexico City: CIEASAS & Siglo XXI Veintiuno Editores.
Cooper, S. W., Giardino, A. P., Estes, R. J., Kellogg. N. D. & Vieth, V. I. (2005). Medical, Legal & Social Science Aspects of Child Sexual Exploitation: A Comprehensive Review of Child Pornography, Child Prostitution, and Internet Crimes Against Children. Florissant MO: STM Publishing.
Cooper, S. W., Giardino, A. P., Estes, R. J., Kellogg. N. D. & Vieth, V. I. (2007). Child Sexual Exploitation: Quick Reference for Healthcare, Social Services, and Law Enforcement Professionals. Florissant MO: STM Publishing.
Estes, R. J. (1984). The Social Progress of Nations. New York: Praeger.
Estes, R. J. (1988). Trends in World Social Development: The Social Progress of Nations, 1970-1987. New York: Praeger.
Estes, R. J. (1992a). Internationalizing Social Work Education: A Guide to Resources for A New Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work.
Estes, R. J. (1992b). Towards a Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region. Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ST/ESCAP/1170.
Estes, R. J. (2005). Social Development in Hong Kong: The Unfinished Agenda (London & New York: Oxford University Press).
Estes, R. J. (2007). Advancing Quality of Life in a Turbulent World. Dordrecht NL & Berlin: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. (2019). The Social Progress of Nations Revisited: Fifty Years of Promise and Progress. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature International Publishers, in press.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017). The Pursuit of Wellbeing: The Untold Global History. Dordrecht NL & Berlin: Springer International Publishers.
Extended Book Review:
Thin, N., Tarragona, M., Wong P., Jarden, R.J., Bartholomeus, J., Jarden, A. (2017). Book Review: The Pursuit of Human Well-Being – The Untold Global History. International Journal of Wellbeing, 7(1), 84-92. Retrieved from https://internationaljournalofwellbeing.org/index.php/ijow/article/view/636
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2018). Advances in Well-Being: Toward a Better World for All. London: Rowman and Littlefield.
Sirgy, M. J., Estes, R., Rahtz, D. D., & El-Aswad, E, (2019). Combatting Jihadist terrorism through nation-building. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers.
Tiliouine, H., Estes, R. J. (2016). Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, ISBN 978-3-319-24772-4.
Extended Book Review:
Michalos, A. (2017). Social Progress in Islamic Societies: A Review. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 12 (3), 765–793.
Extended Book Reviews
Michalos, A. (2017). Social Progress in Islamic Societies: A Review. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 12 (3), 765–793.
Thin, N., Tarragona, M., Wong P., Jarden, R.J., Bartholomeus, J., Jarden, A. (2017). Book Review: The Pursuit of Human Well-Being – The Untold Global History. International Journal of Wellbeing, 7(1), 84-92. Retrieved from https://internationaljournalofwellbeing.org/index.php/ijow/article/view/636
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). (2010). United States-Based Conceptualization of International Social Work Education. Written by Richard J. Estes. University of Pennsylvania, Repository, PPP Papers #181. El-Aswad, E-S, Sirgy, M. J., Estes, R., & Rahtz, D. R. (forthcoming). “Global Jihad and International Media Use.” In J. Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.1151
Estes, R. J. (1984). World social vulnerability: 1968‑1978. Social Development Issues 8 (1-2), 8‑28.
Estes, R. J. (1985). Toward the year 2000: The need for global action now. Social Development Issues 9 (1), 54‑63.
Estes, R. J. (1986). Europe tops survey of most livable countries. Europe (November), pp. 36‑37.
Estes, R. J. (1987). Social development trends in the Pacific: implications for the future. Social Development Issues11(2), 3-19.
Estes, R. J. (1988a). Toward a quality of life index. In Norwine, James & Alfonso Gonzalez (editors). The Third World: States of Mind Meaning. London: Unwin & Hyman, pp. 23-36.
Estes, R. J. (1988b). World social ranking. In George Kurrian (editor). Encyclopedia of the Third World. New York: Facts on File.
Estes, R. J. (1988c). Trends in world social development: The social progress of nations, 1970-1987. New York: Praeger.
Estes, R. J. (1990a). Development trends in the Asian and Pacific region: Assessing the adequacy of social provision, 1970-1987. In Guidelines on methodological approaches to the conduct of a regional survey on the quality of life as an aspect of human resources development. Bangkok: United Nations ESCAP, Publication No. ST/ESCAP/886, pp. 32-59.
Estes, R. J. (1990b). Social development under different political and economic systems. Social Development Issues13(1), 5-19.
Estes, R. J. (1990c). The international index of social progress. Encyclopedia of Social Inventions. London: The Institute for Social Inventions, pp. 186-188.
Estes, R. J. (1993a). Education for comparative social welfare research. In Sanders, D. Education for International Social Welfare, a joint publication of the Council on Social Work Education and the University of Hawaii, School of Social Work. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 56‑86.
Estes, R. J. (1993b). Toward sustainable development: from theory to praxis. Social Development Issues 15(3), 1-29.
Estes, R. J. (1994). Social work in international perspective: Professional challenges for Korea at the outset of a new century. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Social Welfare, Yonsei University, pp. 1-36.
Estes, R. J. (1995a). Social development trends in Africa: The need for a new development paradigm. Social Development Issues 17(1), 18-47.
Estes, R. J. (1995b). Education for social development: curricular issues and models. Social Development Issues 16(3), 68-90.
Estes, R. J. (1996a). Health and development in Asia: Regional priorities for a new century. Forum of International Development Studies 6 (December), 3-31.
Estes, R. J. (1996b). Social development trends in Asia, 1970-1994: The challenges of a new century. Social Indicators Research 37(2), 119-148.
Estes, R. J. (1996c). Social development trends in Latin America, 1970-1994: In the shadows of the 21st century. Social Development Issues 18(1), 25-52.
Estes, R. J. (1997a). Social work, social development and community welfare centers in international perspective. International Social Work 40(1), 43-55.
Estes, R. J. (1997b). The world social situation: social work’s contribution to international development. In Edwards, R. (Editor). Encyclopedia of Social Work. Supplement to the 19th Edition. Washington: National Association of Social Workers, pp. 343-359.
Estes, R. J. (1997c). Trends in European social development, 1970-1994. Social Indicators Research 42(1), 1-19.
Estes, R. J. (1998a). Social development trends in the successor states to the former Soviet Union: The search for a new paradigm. In Hope, K. R., Challenges of Transformation and Transition from Centrally Planned to Market Economies pp. 13-30., UNCRD Research Report Series No. 26. Nagoya: United Nations Centre for Regional Development.
Estes, R. J. (1998b). Trends in world social development, 1970-95: Development prospects for a new century. Journal of Developing Societies 14(1), 11-39.
Estes, R. J. (1999). Social development trends in the Middle East, 1970-1997: The search for modernity. Social Indicators Research 50 (1), 51-81.
Estes, R. J. (2000). Social development trends in the Middle East, 1970-1995: Implications for Social Policy Reform. In Belkacem, L. (Editor) Building and sustaining the capacity for social policy reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, pp. 17-46.
Estes, R. J. (2003a). Advancing quality of life in Hong Kong: The unfinished agenda. In Lee, P. (Editor). Proceedings of the international conference on quality of life in a global world (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong).
Estes, R. J. (2003b). European social development trends: development challenges of the ‘New Europe. In Vogel, J. (Editor), Välfärd och ofärd på 90-talet (Good times and Hard Times in Sweden During the 1990s), Report #100: Living Conditions Series. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden, pp. 435-468.
Estes, R. J. (2004). Development challenges of the ‘New’ Europe”. Social Indicators Research 69(2), 123-166.
Estes, R. J. (2005a). Global change and indicators of social development. In Marie Weil (Editor) The handbook of community practice. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.
Estes, R. J. (2005b). Quality of life in Hong Kong: Past accomplishments and prospects. In Shek, Daniel (Editor), Quality of life in the global context: A Chinese response, special issue of Social Indicators Research 71(1-3), 183-229.
Estes, R. J. (2007a). Asia and the new century: Challenges and opportunities. Social Indicators Research 82(3), 375-410.
Estes, R. J. (2007b). Development challenges and opportunities confronting economies in transition. Social Indicators Research 83(3), 375-411.
Estes, R. J. (2007c). Advancing quality of life in a turbulent world. (Dordrecht NL & Berlin: Springer International Publishers, Inc.).
Estes, R. J. (2008). The international dimensions of social work practice. In Cnaan, R. et al. (Editors). A century of social work and social welfare at Penn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 333-353.
Estes, R. J. (2009). United States-based conceptualization of international social work education prepared on behalf of the Global Commission of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Arlington VA: CSWE.
Estes, R. J. (2010a). The world social situation: Development challenges at the outset of a new century. Social Indicators Research 98:363–402.
Estes, R. J. (2010b). Toward sustainable development: From theory to praxis. Social Development Issues 15(3), 1-29.
Estes, R. J. (2012a). Economies in transition: Continuing challenges to quality of life. In Land, Kenneth, Alex C. Michalos, and M. Joseph Sirgy (Eds.). Handbook of quality of life research. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, pp. 433-457.
Estes, R. J. (2012b). Failed and failing states: Is quality of life possible? In Land, Kenneth, Alex C. Michalos, and M. Joseph Sirgy (Eds.). Handbook of Quality of Life Research. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, pp. 555-580.
Estes, R. J. (2012c). Global change and indicators of social development. In Marie Weil (Editor). Handbook of community practice. 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Press, pp. 587-606.
Estes, R. J. (2012d). Entries in the Of Record section of the journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life Research (ARQOL), xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Estes, R. J. (2014a). Disadvantaged populations. In Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Springer International Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer International Publishers, pp 1654-58.
Estes, R. J. (2014b). Index of social progress, in Michalos A.C. (Editor.). Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. (2014c). Social progress, in Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, pp 6146-48.
Estes, R. J. (2015a). Development trends among the world’s socially least developed countries: reasons for cautious optimism. In Brian Spooner (Editor). Globalization: The Crucial Phase Globalization: The Crucial Phase. Chapter 2. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum Press.
Estes, R. J. (2015b). Global change and quality of life indicators. In Maggino, F. A life devoted to quality of life festschrift in honor of Alex C. Michalos. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, 173-194.
Estes, R. J. (2015c). Trends in world social development: The search for global well-being. In Glatzer. Wolfgang (Ed.). The global handbook of well-being: from the wealth of nations to the human well-being of nations. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. (2016j). The History of Well-Being in East Asia (with Inoguchi, T). In Estes, R. J. and M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Chapter 10. Dordrecht: Springer.
Estes, R. J. (2016a). The History of Well-Being in North America. In Land, K., Michalos, A., Phillips, R., and Sirgy, M. J. In Estes, R. J. and M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Chapter 9. Dordrecht: Springer.
Estes, R. J. (2016b). The Islamic Golden Age: A Story of the Triumph of the Islamic Civilization (with Ahmed Renima and Tiliouine, H.). In Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges (with Tiliouine, H.). Chapter 3. Dordrecht NL: Springer.
Estes, R. J. (2016c). Well-Being from a Global Perspective (with Sirgy, M. J.). In Estes, R. J. and M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Chapter 20. Dordrecht: Springer.
Estes, R. J. (2016d). Introduction. In Estes, R. J. and M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Chapter 1. Dordrecht: Springer
Estes, R. J. (2017a). The commercial sexual exploitation of children in North America. In Anderson, R. (Ed.). Alleviating world suffering: The challenge of negative quality of life. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, pp. 375-394.
Estes, R. J. (2017b). Aurelio Pecci: Industrialist, humanist and quality of life scholar (1908-1984). Applied Research in Quality of Life. 12:231–232.
Estes, R. J. (2017c). Donella H. Dana Meadows: A designer of systems for advancing quality of life (1941–2001). Applied Research in Quality of Life. 12:233–235.
Estes, R. J. (2017d) Composite scores and changing rank order positions on the index of social progress (ISP/WISP), 1970-2010 (N=162). In Estes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Appendix D and E. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. (2017e). Pioneer in quality of life research: Daniel Bell (1919-2011). Applied Research in Quality of Life Research. Volume 7(3), 331-336.
Estes, R. J. (2017f). Pioneer in quality of life research: Donald Mc Granahan (1917-2001). Applied Research in Quality of Life Research. Volume 7(3), 331-336.
Estes, R. J. (2018a). Disparities and wealth. In Gael Brule & Christian Suter, Eds.), Wealth and Subjective Well-Being. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers, in press.
Estes, R. J. (2018b). Tonon, Graciela. (Ed.). Indicators of quality life in Latin America: A Book Review, 2016. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers. Review in Applied Research in Quality of Life. 13:255–256.
Estes, R. J. (2018c). Views on wellbeing research, policy and practice: An interview with Dr. Richard J. Estes. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 3(1), 12-15.
Estes, R. J. (2018d). The social progress of nations revisited. Social Indicators Network News (SINET), #134, February, 1-7.
Estes, R. J. (2018e). Advances in well-being in the Middle East and Gulf States regions: Historical background and contemporary challenges. In Lambert, & Pasha-Zaid, N., Positive Psychology: A View for the Arabian Gulf, pp xx . Dordrect: Springer International Publishers (in press).
Estes, R. J. (2018f). Pioneer: Eduard Pestel (1914-1988): A Pioneer in Social Indicators, World Systems Modeling, Industrial Design, Politics and Public Policy, Journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life. June 2018, Volume 13 (2), 525–526.
Estes, R. J. (2019a). Disparities and wealth. In Gael Brule & Christian Suter. Eds.), Wealth and Subjective Well-Being(Dordrecht NL: Springer), in press.
Estes, R. J. (2019b). The social progress of nations revisited. Social Indicators Research, in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-018-02058-9, pp. 1-34.
Estes, R. J. & Sirgy, M. J. (2016). Is quality of life related to radical Islamic militancy and acts of terrorism? In Tiliouine, H. & Estes, R. J., Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges. Chapter 29. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. & Sirgy, M. J, (2018). Advances in Well-being in the MENA region: Accentuating the Positive. In L. Lambert & N. Pasha-Zaidi (Editors). Advances in Well-being in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: Historical Background and Contemporary Challenges. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers, in press.
Estes, R. J. & Tiliouine, H. (2016), Social development trends in the countries of the Fertile Crescent. In Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges. Chapter 9. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J. & Weiner, N. (2005). The commercial sexual exploitation of children in the United States. In Cooper, S. W.,Estes, R. J., Giardino, A. P., Kellogg, N. D. & Vieth, V. I. (Editors). Medical, legal, and social science aspects of child sexual exploitation: A comprehensive review of pornography, prostitution, and internet crimes. Florissant, MO 63033: STM Publishing, 95-128.
Estes, R. J. & Wilensky, H. L. (1976). Life cycle squeeze and the morale curve. Social Problems 25(3), 277‑92.
Estes, R. J. & Zhou, H. M. (2014f\). A conceptual approach to the creation of public–private partnerships in social welfare. International Journal of Social Welfare. 4 December, 348-363.
Estes, R. J., Ives, N. & Azaola. E. (2005). The commercial sexual exploitation of children in North America. In Cooper. S.W., Estes, R. J., Giardino, A.P., Kellogg, N.D & Vieth, V. I. (Editors). Medical, Legal, and Social Science Aspects of Child Sexual Exploitation: A Comprehensive Review of Pornography, Prostitution, and Internet Crimes. Florissant, MO 63033: STM Publishing.
Estes, R. J., Land, K., Michalos, A., Phillips, R., & Sirgy, M. J (2017). The history of well-being in North America. InEstes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Chapter 9. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Morgan, J. S. (1976). World social welfare analysis: A theoretical model. International Social Work 19(2), 29‑41.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. & Selian. A. (2017) How we measure well-being: The data behind the history of human well-Being. The Pursuit of Well-Being: The Untold Global History. Chapter 6. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2014). Radical Islamic militancy and acts of terrorism: a quality-of-life analysis. Social Indicators Research, 117(2):615-652.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017a). Introduction. In Estes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Chapter 1. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017b). Well-being from a global perspective. In Estes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Chapter 20. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017c). Major empirical instruments used to measure objective and subjective well-being. InEstes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Appendix B. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017d). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Dordrecht NL & Berlin: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2017e). Myths and truths of advances in well-being. Social Indicators Network News (SINET), December 1-5.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2019a). Advances in well-being in the MENA region: Accentuating the Positive. In L. Lambert & N. Pasha-Zaidi (Editors), Positive psychology: A View from the Arabian Gulf. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2019b). Advances in human well-being (using the Weighted Index of Social Progress. Social Indicators Network News (SINET). November, Numbers 135 & 136, 1-6.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J. (2019). Global advances in quality of life and well-being: Past. Present, and Future. Social Indicators Research, 141(3), 1137-1164.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J., & Selian, A (2017). Major worldwide accomplishments in well-being Since 1900. In Estes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Appendix C. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Sirgy, M. J., Rahtz, D. D. & El-Aswad, E-S. (2019). Human Well-Being and Policy Making. Special Monograph series (Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers), in preparation.
Estes, R. J., Tiliouine, H. (2014). Islamic development trends: From collective wishes to concerted actions. Social Indicators Research, 116(1): 67-114.
Estes, R. J., Tiliouine, H. (2016a). Introduction. In Social progress in Islamic Societies: Social, political, economic, and ideological challenges. Chapter 1. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Tiliouine, H. (2016b). Social progress in North Africa. In Social progress in Islamic societies: Social, political, economic, and ideological challenges. Chapter 6. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R. J., Tiliouine, H. (2016c). Social development trends in the countries of the Fertile Crescent. In Social progress in Islamic societies: social, political, economic, and ideological challenges, Chapter 9. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers
Estes, R. J., Tiliouine, H. (2016d). Reflections and conclusions. In Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges. Chapter 30. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Estes, R.J., Chua Hoi Wai, Fung, J. & Wong, A. (2002). Toward a social development index for Hong Kong: The process of community engagement. Social Indicators Research 58(1-3), 313-347.
Gattas, G., Figaro-Garcia, C. & Landini, T. S., Estes, R. J., (2012). Commercial sexual exploitation and missing kids in the coastal region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of Applied Research on Children 3(2), Article 10.
Inoguchi, T. & Estes, R. J. (2017). The history of human well-being in East Asia. In Estes, R. J. & M. J. Sirgy (Editors). The pursuit of well-being: The untold global history. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Renima, A., Tiliouine, H. & Estes, R. J. (2016a). The Islamic golden age: A story of the triumph of the Islamic civilization. In Tiliouine, H. & Estes, R. J. (Editors) Social progress in Islamic societies: social, political, economic, and ideological challenges. Chapter 3. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Renima, A., Tiliouine, H. & Estes, R. J. (2016b). The changing map of the Islamic world: From the Abbasid Era to the Ottoman Empire of the 20th Century. In Tiliouine, H., Estes, R.J. (Editors). Social progress in Islamic societies: Social, political, economic, and ideological challenges. Chapter 3. Dordrecht NL: Springer International Publishers.
Rathz, D., Estes, R. J. (2019). The universal soldier: The dynamics of gang formation among Jihadist terrorists, in preparation.
Shaikin, D. & Estes, R. J. (2018). Advancing development in Kazakhstan: The contribution of R&D. Social Development Issues, 40 (2), 36-55(20).
Sirgy, M. J. & Estes, R. J. (2018a). Understanding Jihadist terrorism in the MENA and Gulf States Region: Quality-of-Life implications for counterterrorism. In Lambert, L. Positive Psychology in the Middle East and North Africa: Research, Policy, and Practice. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishers.
Sirgy, M. J. & Estes, R. J. (2018b). Advances in well-being: An essay. Social Indicators Network News (SINET). Fall, 1-7.
Sirgy, M. J., Estes, R. J. & Rahtz, D. D. (2018). Combatting jihadist terrorism: A quality-of-life perspective. Journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life. 13 (4), pp 813–837
Sirgy, M. J., M. Joshanloo & Estes, R. J., (2018). The global challenge of jihadist terrorism: A quality-of-life model. Social Indicators Research, Issue 1.