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CE Event: Generational Differences in the Workplace- Understanding and Bridging the Gaps


In today's dynamic work environment, organizations are increasingly composed of employees and student learners from various generations. This diversity can lead to a myriad of perspectives, skills, and expectations, which, if not properly managed, can result in misunderstandings and conflicts. To address these challenges, our upcoming webinar, "Generational Differences in the Workplace: Understanding and Bridging […]

2 CE Event: Generational Differences in the Workplace


In today's dynamic work environment, organizations are increasingly composed of employees and student learners from various generations. This diversity can lead to a myriad of perspectives, skills, and expectations, which, if not properly managed, can result in misunderstandings and conflicts. To address these challenges, our upcoming webinar, "Generational Differences in the Workplace: Understanding and Bridging […]

MSW Licensure Seminar


Knowing your Personal Test-Taking Style

From Foster Care to College: How Can Social Workers Support Higher Education Success?


Research tells us that without support, young adults with foster care experience are less likely to attend, persist, and succeed in higher education. These college students face complex challenges that require innovative solutions. At SP2’s Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice & Research, the “Foster Care to College” project aims to improve higher education outcomes […]

Social Work Month Student Appreciation: Chair Massages

Caster Building - Lobby 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Celebrate Social Work Month with Relaxation! Take a well-deserved break and recharge! As part of Social Work Month, we’re hosting a Chair Massage Event to show appreciation for all your hard work and dedication. Enjoy a complimentary 10-minute chair massage to relax, de-stress, and feel appreciated. Sign ups will occur at the event on a […]

MSW Licensure Seminar


Study Strategies

MSW Licensure Seminar


Reflections from a Stumped Test-Taker

MSW Licensure Seminar


Emotional Test Prep

MSW Licensure Seminar


TBD: Either Repeat of Study Strategies or Reflections of a Stumped Test Taker

MSW Licensure Seminar


Overthinking and its Relationship to Imposter Syndrome and Inequity