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The Power of Penn SP2: A Transformational Campaign is Launched

Gifts & Giving
In April 2018, Penn President Amy Gutmann announced the launch of a comprehensive campaign for the University that will enable Penn to accelerate its impact. The Power of Penn Campaign: Advancing Knowledge for Good will help the University as a whole to fulfill its commitment to expanding financial aid; endowing more faculty and staff positions; and supporting research and programs that will drive solutions to the world’s most pressing needs.
As part of this University-wide effort, SP2 is thrilled to announce the launch of The Power of Penn Social Policy & Practice Campaign: Advancing Knowledge for Social Impact.
Through the Campaign, SP2 will expand its portfolio of endowed professorships in social work, policy and nonprofit leadership, grow the School’s portfolio of full tuition and other graduate scholarships, renovate SP2’s main building to accommodate the best and brightest social change leaders, and so much more. SP2’s goal is $38 million.
“SP2 is redefining education in social work, social policy and nonprofit leadership, training future change agents who will activate what they’ve learned to help create a better world,” said SP2 Dean John L. Jackson, Jr., PhD, Richard Perry University Professor. “The Campaign will help SP2 garner additional resources to equip our faculty, staff, students and alumni with tools they need to ensure their positive and lasting impact for many years to come.”