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Meredith Doherty speaks and points with one hand, sitting at a classroom table

Study by SP2 examines potential of direct cash for cancer patients from low-income households

The three-year randomized controlled trial by SP2 is examining the potential of direct cash assistance for patients from low-income households receiving care in Philadelphia, along with their families. The study is supported by funding from actor Bradley Cooper’s One Family Foundation and a grant awarded through the Independence Blue Cross Foundation Institute for Health Equity.


DeMarcus Jenkins sits at a table in a classroom, leaning forward and smiling

DeMarcus Jenkins to explore links between housing policies and school integration and desegregation

SP2 Assistant Professor DeMarcus A. Jenkins will serve as co-principal investigator of a $442,340 grant from the American Institutes for Research Equity Initiative in the Behavioral Sciences for the project “Moving in Motown: Examining Promise of Integrated Neighborhoods and Schools Through Detroit’s Choice Neighborhood Initiative.”


Jennifer Prah

SP2 professor Jennifer Prah inducted into St. Louis Tennis Hall of Fame

Themes of health, gender equity, hard work, and discipline have been at the core of Dr. Jennifer Prah’s work — not only in her career as an academic and SP2 faculty member, but also during her years as an accomplished tennis player, for which she was honored on April 28 as a 2024 inductee to the St. Louis Tennis Hall of Fame.