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Applications open for SP2’s full-tuition Schwartz Social Innovation Scholarship

Authored by: Juliana Rosati
Photography by: Krista Patton
Student Life
Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) is preparing to award the first Randi and Brian Schwartz Social Innovation Scholarship. The awardee will be chosen from among students who apply by the priority deadline of December 1, 2023, to the Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership (NPL) Program with a request for financial aid and/or scholarship consideration. No separate application is required.
The full-tuition scholarship, announced in the spring of 2023, will be awarded in the fall of 2024 to one incoming NPL student on the basis of demonstrated merit and experience with and commitment to impact in the areas of international affairs and conflict resolution.
The Schwartz Social Innovation Scholarship is a competitive program to provide dedicated financial aid to master’s students seeking to innovate and generate impact in areas like economic security, immigration, or global conflict. The scholarship will cover tuition for a select cohort of master’s degree students at SP2, known as the Schwartz Scholars.
As the program grows, the Schwartz Scholars will expand to include students in SP2’s other master’s degree programs.
All applicants interested in being considered for the Schwartz Social Innovation Scholarship qualify for an application fee waiver. Email with your name and undergraduate institution to receive a fee waiver.
To learn more about the scholarship and the NPL Program, contact NPL Program Administrative Director Adam Roth-Saks at 215-898-1857 or
Adam Roth-Saks, MSEd
Administrative Director, MS in Nonprofit Leadership Program
office: 215.898.1857
fax: 215.573.2099