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2021 Annual Guide: High Impact Giving in the Age of COVID

2021 Annual Giving guide cover

Faculty & Research, Gifts & Giving


COVID-19 made 2020 a year like no other. Infections and hospitalizations continue to spike. The most effective, widely implemented tool for containing the disease—social distancing—continues to leave schools struggling with virtual and hybrid delivery, millions without a livelihood, and people around the world isolated from both loved ones and those who would normally provide support.

Against this backdrop, the question for individual donors and institutional grantmakers alike is: How can I help?

This guide incorporates what we have learned about best practices in crisis grantmaking and the ways COVID-19 is affecting communities. It contains profiles of nonprofits working in a broad range of cause areas touched by the pandemic: health, education, economic development, and reliable information. Nonprofits are a critical asset in crisis response and recovery. With your help, they and the communities they serve can weather the current crisis and build back better, in 2021 and beyond.

Download the 2021 Annual Giving guide from the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) here.

Join CHIP for a free webinar about High Impact Giving in the Age of COVID on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 4pm EST by registering here.